Tag: models
đź”— Hierarchy of Controls | NIOSH | CDC March 20th, 2024
Interesting framework for thinking about risk mitigation. Designed for workplace protection, but could be applied to lots of different risk scenarios. Compare with Magoo’s Five Factors, there are some similarities here.
Three Feedback Models April 22nd, 2021
Here are three models that I like for delivering feedback. Each is valuable on its own and would make a great starting point for anyone who wants to build their feedback muscle. Together, they highlight some common factors in effective feedback models and show off a couple of “special features” that can help your feedback be particularly effective.
Django gotcha: concrete inheritance November 2nd, 2010
Since 1.0, Django’s supported model inheritance. It’s a neat feature, and can go a long way towards increasing flexibility in your modeling options. However, model inheritance also offers a really excellent opportunity to shoot yourself in the foot: concrete (multi-table) inheritance. If you’re using concrete inheritance, Django creates implicit joins back to the parent table on nearly every query. This can completely devastate your database’s performance. To refresh, if you’ve got models like:…