Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Tag: oscon

Post-OSCONum part 1: try not to suck July 28th, 2006

Post-OSCONum part 1: try not to suck Good lord, I’m exhausted. OSCON was amazing. It’s clear that a sea change is occurring in the open source movement: to paraphrase Tim O’Reilly’s keynote, we’re finally moving away from “free software is better because it’s free” towards “free software is better because it’s better”. This of course makes being a free software author more exciting than ever. Judging by the number of job postings, it’s also easier than ever to actually get paid for work on open source.…

Django OSCON shirts June 27th, 2006

I’m about to print up some Django shirts to take to OSCON next month – got any ideas? We gotta move pretty fast (we’re going to try to get an order in to the printer this week) so if you’ve got any hot ideas (or designs, for that matter) send ’em to me! I’ll mail anyone who gives an idea or a design one of the final shirts, but otherwise please don’t ask about “ordering” or otherwise “getting” one.…